Speed Reader App

Unique Reading Experience

Once the user loads the app, they'll land on the home screen where they'll find an input field to enter or copy and paste their reading text. Once they click on the 'Start Reading' button, the app is going to start reading the input text by showing one word at a time in the transparent box. The user will be able to pause or resume the reading anytime. Also they will be able to control the progress of the reading and go backward or forward. They can also control things like the font size of the text and the reading speed.

The logic of the app is as follows: following the input of the reading text, we turn the text into an array of words. We calculate the length of the array and if the number of words is greater than 1, we read the text and show controls. Otherwise, an error message is revealed. In order to read text, we'll get each word based on its index value. So we initiate a counter at zero and when it starts we show each word as its index value correlates to the counter. The progress slider will be set up with its min value 0 and its max value the length of the array so users can adjust the slider to the part of the text they want to read. As each word appears, we'll calculate the progress as a percentage which will display just above the progress bar. We divide the value of the counter by the number of words - 1 and multiply that by 100 to get our percentage.

Once the user reaches the last word, the 'pause' button disappears. If while reading the 'Pause' button is clicked, the reading is stopped, the 'Pause' button is hidden and the 'Resume' button shows. If the user clicks 'Resume', the reading will resume, the 'Pause' button shows and the 'Resume' button hides. If the 'New' button is clicked, the app will reload.